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Monday 19 December 2011

It was going soo good...

So as you can tell by the post title; I have failed. Again. But guess what guys I'm not beating myself up about it because it's the holidays now and I'm totally taking the opportunity over the next few days to fast and do some vigorous exercise as my parents are still working this week. So I should be able to fast until Thursday morning :) I'm actually excited about not eating, the feeling of emptiness and turning a cold shoulder on hunger; It gets me on a high that is impossible to explain unless you are able to read my mind and feel what I feel.

Anyway, enough of that! Starting from now I am NOT eating. I shall drink plenty of water and take vitamin supplements as well as fibre tablets that have laxative effects (yay, finally found them in the medicine cupboard). I shall wake up at 8AM and go rolllerblading (rollerskating) in the morning for an hour (although it's gonna be FREEZING COLD) and again in the afternoon at 2 or 3PM depending on if it seems its gonna start getting dark outside soon. So yea that's my plan, and if I feel excrucitating hunger pangs I shall ONLY have 1 packet of Tomato and Basil soup in a cup which is only 55calories!!! I must remember, I must remember...... When I feel like going to the kitchen I must remind myself that it is not worth it and that it's best to just stay in my bedroom and do a mountain-high pile of homework, coursework and revision for my freaking exams in January.

Ok, so those who have read my previous posts probably know that I absolutely LOVE trampolining and I have owned and used Rollerblades since the age of 9. So yeah, I want to know two sports that you guys absolutely LOVE!

Some thinspo for you lovlies out there that actually read my blog :) 

I love Taylor Momsen! :)

Guys, guys, guys!! I'm sooo glad to have found rollerbading thinspo :)

Have a lovely day and week guys :)

Thursday 15 December 2011

Awesome day :)

Really pleased with myself for today guys. Basically cutting a long story short; I didn't binge today AT ALL. Consumed 886 calories which is alright really because I burned of 882 them (BIG GRIN). Got a lot of walking, rollerskating, trampolining and running today :) I feel 'light' :) Hopefully I will continue rollerskating 5 times a week as I've found that it burns LOADS of calories :) Unfortunately I'm still at 59kg -_- All I need is patience now to start seeing results because I definitely am putting effort into exercising everyday!

In a very happy mood today, thank God! :) So Christmas and New Years holiday officially start tomorrow, it was the last day today. Going to chillax now with a movie and some tea. Need to wake up bright and early to start tackling my homework + coursework + revision. Exams on 10th and 11th January!!! And we come back on the 3rd, I REPEAT; the 3rd!!!! WTF :(

Funny how I put this up when I didn't not eat today lol

Stay strong guys :)

Monday 12 December 2011

Stuck at 129 pounds...

Hey Guys, 

I'm sorry it's been a while. I had mock exams last week and just loads of things going on but I'm back now :)
Guess what? I got an A (again!!!) in my mock Psychology!!!!! Wooohooooo! I'm so over the moon especially when I thought I didn't revise enough for it. 

Anyway so I've started this exercise regime since Wednesday and I have noticed that I'm stuck at 129 pounds. Which is okay I guess because at least I'm not gaining, but I'm not happy about not losing weight either. Although I'm glad to notice my belly getting flatter and my arms more toned and I feel fit, but hopefully I'll see some results soon from all this hard work. I workout  times a day (compulsory) but if I got enough energy I can keep going all day during breaks when I'm at home revising. I'm actually quite happy I'm getting better at push ups too but I don't want to gain muscle, I'd rather loose the fat first :( 

So I'm gonna try a fluid only diet from tomorrow, I bought a packet of under 60calories tomato soup. Hopefully by the end of the week I would've have lost at least 2-3 real pounds that can be kept off.

Wish me luck lovelies...... Hoping to be 120 by New Years :)

My dream legs up there ^^^ 

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Another fail...

So I'm a bit annoyed/depressed because I just realised how nice I am. Like really, sometimes people just take advantage of me. I always pay attention to what people say and when I point out that like for my exam today they didn't ask me how it went and they're like 'Oh yeah'. And then I just feel like.. poo, basically. So I'm always welcomed to ask them about how things are going and listen to their stories (most of them which are crap) all day long but they can't ask me how an exam went??? Ok, that's cool. Keep calm I tell myself. It's not worth it to kick up a fuss and argue. I'm not good at fights, all I'm able to do is listen to the person bullshiting and ignoring them. That's just who I am.

Ok so today I had my Biology exam and it was alright and of course the things that I revised for the most didn't come up on the paper. That's cool, cos I mean I didn't waste my time or anything.... (Note the sarcasm as I write) 
Anyway, knowing that I have the exam today, yesterday I vowed to eat breakfast for today which by the way is not becoming such a hard thing to do anymore :( Yes people say skipping breakfast is bad but for me its a little different... 
If I don't eat breakfast I will not eat dinner because I eat lunch which means I only eat once a day. If I eat breakfast then somehow my messed up hunger signals drive me into eating dinner too, that means I eat TWICE a day. So yea, I ate breakfast and lunch today. and LOADS of snacks 
I didn't mean to, it's just that my friend (who if I may mention is SKINNY and I LOVE HER SHAPE its DEPRESSING) forced me and bought me chicken nuggets and fat chips to eat at the canteen when I told her I have an exam. Silly me, I shouldn't have. Now I know to avoid telling her I have exams or tests or whatever because she believes it magically makes your brain work better o.O So that sucked but I didn't give into eating dinner though (YAY), because my mum didn't really bother me too much since she was busy with her own thing.  
So my goals for tomorrow are to skip breakfast and simply just eat lunch and resist dinner which is about the easiest thing to do. Resisting dinner that is, I simply look at the amount of food my parents eat and that already puts me off and I'm on my way!
I weighed myself after breakfast today, fully dressed because I forgot to weigh myself after taking a shower. 
I don't want to weigh myself today because I know I gained about a pound or two. Gonna do some leg and abdominal exercises before bed to feel better.
Hopefully I will burn more calories through my 2 hour trampolining session tomorrow. I missed today's 1 hour session because it's during lunchtime and yea....

So some encouragement for you guys and myself also

quote_graphic-3139958230.jpg (600×400)

Quote about Determination
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motivational.gif (444×317)
So true...... :(

quote_never_give_up.jpg (390×254)


Ha ha! :D


This is what I need to work on sooo badly

Ha ha ! :D

And on that marvellous note, bye and take care guys! xx