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Monday 12 December 2011

Stuck at 129 pounds...

Hey Guys, 

I'm sorry it's been a while. I had mock exams last week and just loads of things going on but I'm back now :)
Guess what? I got an A (again!!!) in my mock Psychology!!!!! Wooohooooo! I'm so over the moon especially when I thought I didn't revise enough for it. 

Anyway so I've started this exercise regime since Wednesday and I have noticed that I'm stuck at 129 pounds. Which is okay I guess because at least I'm not gaining, but I'm not happy about not losing weight either. Although I'm glad to notice my belly getting flatter and my arms more toned and I feel fit, but hopefully I'll see some results soon from all this hard work. I workout  times a day (compulsory) but if I got enough energy I can keep going all day during breaks when I'm at home revising. I'm actually quite happy I'm getting better at push ups too but I don't want to gain muscle, I'd rather loose the fat first :( 

So I'm gonna try a fluid only diet from tomorrow, I bought a packet of under 60calories tomato soup. Hopefully by the end of the week I would've have lost at least 2-3 real pounds that can be kept off.

Wish me luck lovelies...... Hoping to be 120 by New Years :)

My dream legs up there ^^^ 

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