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Thursday 15 December 2011

Awesome day :)

Really pleased with myself for today guys. Basically cutting a long story short; I didn't binge today AT ALL. Consumed 886 calories which is alright really because I burned of 882 them (BIG GRIN). Got a lot of walking, rollerskating, trampolining and running today :) I feel 'light' :) Hopefully I will continue rollerskating 5 times a week as I've found that it burns LOADS of calories :) Unfortunately I'm still at 59kg -_- All I need is patience now to start seeing results because I definitely am putting effort into exercising everyday!

In a very happy mood today, thank God! :) So Christmas and New Years holiday officially start tomorrow, it was the last day today. Going to chillax now with a movie and some tea. Need to wake up bright and early to start tackling my homework + coursework + revision. Exams on 10th and 11th January!!! And we come back on the 3rd, I REPEAT; the 3rd!!!! WTF :(

Funny how I put this up when I didn't not eat today lol

Stay strong guys :)


  1. i love this post. got me through a tough night!

  2. I'm glad this post was of use to you :) Stay strong ! x
