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Wednesday 30 November 2011


Hey guys (if anyone is reading this),, I'm sick! Woohooo, yes I know you must be thinking I'm crazy but I've been wanting to get a cold since a few days now and I finally am sick. Wooohooo Mission accomplished! You must be wondering why on earth I would like to be sick.... Well, basically when I get sick I have no appetite whatsoever so I lose like a lot of weight because I end up eating next to nothing for a couple of days :)
So yes,, wish me luck guys! I want to lose at least 3 or 4 pounds through this :)

Some back and shoulders thinspo for today....

So I'm off to bed now.... Bye guys and stay strong xx

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hmmm... Progress?

So basically during summer time, around July... I was 126 pounds. Then I bounced all the way up to 135pounds and I am currently at 132pounds AND COUNTING! The scale is going down :) Wohooo! Although I'm sorta disappointed with myself for eating loads of Pringles today and a slice of toast with nutella. Oh well I managed to eat nothing else beside that accept some Mango and Pineapple. But I don't really consider them as food, they're simply nutritious stuff you need everyday :)

So yhhh I'm sick and I've missed a 2hour trampolining session today because of it -_- Ahhh well I will be back to bouncing on Monday hopefully :)

So at the moment I'm sorta pissed but not really. Basically my boyfriend and I havent talked in a week, might be even a week and a few days :( And I dont mean not talking as in texting I mean as in voice, face-to-face Skype talking (Yes I'm in a long-distance relationship, he's in New York, started University there this year)
Well the thing is I really want to BE with him but then I cant be bothered to TALK to him and I think he's slowly starting to give up to chase after me. And well that, thats just saddening.... :( Oh, freaking time difference! Why do you do this to me? Yea that's a problem too... When I am about to go to bed at around 12am my time its just about evening, his time -__- Megaaa annoying! Arrghhhh

So yeah, I have a psychology mock exam tomorrow, hope I don't fail cos as I'm sick at the moment, nothing's staying in my head -_- God help me.

Some neck and collar bones thinspo for today :)

So beautiful :')

collar bones, girl, hothothot, jaw, neck, skinny

beautiful, bones, collar bones, girl, skinny

beautiful, blond, bones, collar bones, model

Ok that's it for today, Stay strong guys! :) xoxo

Fasting.... sort of

130lb guys! 2lb down!! Wohoooooooo! Yea that's about the only good news I got

So I started my fast yesterday and I was doing really well because I wasn't even hungry the whole day long. Usually I do get really hungry at school when I'm around friends but yesterday was practically perfect! Until I gave in when my mum started terrorising me with food.... I hate it when she does that! Treats me as if I'm a little kid, I'm 16!!!! Jeeez! And the thing with her is that you can never really get away with not eating unless she is upset or busy with something else of course, then she wouldn't bother you. But if she got all time in the world to observe you she will bombard you with interrogative questions you can't answer quick enough to answer to. It's quite frustrating, always shoving food down my throat :( So yea I messed up my fasting yesterday and ate dinner, and once I was finished with dinner.... oh you can guess. Oh yes the big D. I ate Dessert :( Twice to be precise, firstly some cookies and then I ate a slice of cake. I'm such a fat-ass. 

Once food enters my mouth I just can't seem to shut it anymore and just keeps eating and eating and eating and eating... grrrrrrrr! :@ And I was soooo looking forward to my stomach grumbling when I go to sleep and especially when I wake up! It would have kept me soooooo motivated. So yea I'm sorta starting again tomorrow. Sorta because I'm meeting up with my friends to go to a restaurant (Nandos) tomorrow. BUT I am soooo not eating anything before that and all im planning on ordering is a plate of chips. I'm not allowing myself some chicken. My thighs are too huge for that, I can't afford to eat more chicken ever since last week .... I literally had chicken maybe  ONCE OR TWICE a day EVERY DAMN DAY last week. SO..... I'm not allowed, I will NOT GIVE IN.
Damn you chickens for being so damn tasty :(
So some thigh thinspo for you guys because this is what I'm ultimately aiming for

I'm in love with this! Look at the freakin thigh gap!!!

So that was me in Summer this year, like around July I think

This is me today yes my skin looks weird, they're goosebumps i was freezing lol

and obviously those thighs when I sit down are just an illusion..... This is the real deal :|
Ok sorry for tormenting you... back to thinspo!!!

OMG..... awesome!!!
Amazing! My friend has jeans like these and a figure like this but she says she adores my thighs..... she must be hallucinating o.O

Those legs!!!! I want them !!! :D


Oh my, her gap is beautiful! Her feet are together aswell!! I also like her ankles, weird thing to say I know, but look at them!
stomach,asian thinspo,hipbones,legs,thinspo,brunette
Those thighs look sooo, sooo *sheds a tear*

The fashion girl from Lookbook :) Love her style AND her body! :D

*Dreaming* One day my pictures will be used as thinspo!!

Paulina.... my old friend from primary school. She doesn't know I stole her pic to put on here.... *sorry*

Paulina's sister that I'm also totally jealous of... Look at those legs!! And she's soo pretty too

So this is the last of my friends I wanna present, it's sooo unfair, i repeat, its soooo UNFAIR how her boobs just grew out of nowhere ( i mean I have quite big boobs too but if I slimmed down to her size they might just shrink along )and she still has stick legs and arms -_- One day, oh one day.... That will be me *sigh*

I'm no lesbo by the way (not that I don't like girls who are), I just love these girl's figures that's all

Anyway that's enough for now, stay strong ladies! Any questions feel free to ask and any tips, YES PLEASE!!! :D