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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Exams are over!!

Wohooooooo! I'm  finished, finito, fin, fertig, färdiga... D-O-N-E!!!

So psychology went well, I ought to get an A but biology wasn't that great really. I don't think I failed (C) but I don't think I done so good that I got an A. I was pretty terrified throughout the exam. I hate biology exams. They are so unpredictable :/
Oh well, gives me more of a reason to fast AND pray. I need an A so badlyyyyy. I don't want to disappoint everyone, they've witnessed me working so hard and it would be total humiliation if I don't get an A or a B :(

Anyway, enough of that. So as usual, I haven't gained a pound but I feel fatter. Probably because I haven't been to the gym at college since I've been revising instead. Ah well, will start again on Tuesday. But it's sooo long away.... I've got an idea though; if I go to bed earlier, I can wake up earlier and therefore walk to college just as I walked home from college today- it felt good. It takes around 30mins to walk to college, which is alright I guess but I just have to be bothered to wake up early, that's all.

I got twitter guys! Follow me if you want :)!/MindYourOwn_Biz

I got a new goal - 125pounds by February 8th (my bday- yay!) I'm currently 131pounds, if I push myself I can even make it to 122-4pounds :) I definitely need to be positive :)

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