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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Weight/Diet update

Ironically when I'm at college/uni I eat way healthier than I do at home (I live with my uncle, his wife and 4 kids). Maybe it's because I'm too frugal to spend my money on mindless snacking sprees at college. At home, snacks overflow the pantry and it's incredibly tempting when everything is just so damn delicious and I have nothing else to do.

So.... back to updating you guys on my weight. At college, during the last few weeks (about 4), I was able lose the pounds and drop from 140 to 133lb. This is without regular exercise (hardly any) and just by eating less and resisting the scrumptious ice cream and dessert area of the cafeteria.
Believe me when I say that it took an incredibly long time (almost a whole semester to be exact) for me not to feel obliged to eat everything in sight just because it's part of what I paid for.

Currently, I weigh 138 pounds..... I feel ashamed, in the space of one week and 4 days, I've put on 5 pounds and it sucks. I've really let myself down in terms of what I eat. I'm working on it. Thank God they actually buy fruit now so when I feel the urge to snack I'll reach for a bag of grapes rather than a pack of oreos.

Nevertheless, I'm proud to say that I've been working out every other day. I run for about 30/40mins, do squat and ab exercises and it feels great. I've really been pushing myself in that aspect, but I really need to pull up my socks with my diet if I want to see any major results.

My goal for this summer is to lose 15pounds. I don't think its too far fetched, I'll have until August to reach my target weight so I'll look like a brand new person when school starts again. I'd be really content to lose even just 10 pounds for the long term. I basically don't want to weigh more than 128pounds again.
My thighs seriously kill my self-esteem.

It's been a while

I have been slacking big time with updating my blog. Since I'm off for summer break, I promise to post regularly.

My new vision for my blog is to just talk about my life, my dreams, my struggles. It will kind of be like a public diary, but may offer some entertainment, insight or help to you readers out there.

So expect new content soon to those of you who are still with me! :)

Monday 8 April 2013

Work it with Youtube!

Hey Guys,

it's been a while. Again, I know, I'm sorry.

But but but, I have good news! :)

my diet has really improved. Well that is, my eating habits. These days I don't overeat anymore. I'm beginning to learn how to control my erratic appetite and hunger. I'm getting there, bear with me.

I officially have weight loss buddy. And it's a guy mind you, but we're totally helping each other and it's been really good so far because we motivate each other when we feel like eating everything we see and scold each other when we haven't worked out for the day. By August 1st, I should lose 10 pounds. So basically goal weight is 125pounds *Fingers crossed*

I LOOOOVE this Youtube fitness channel called Blogilates! The instructors name is Cassie and she's just amazing! Believe you me, I really hate working out, I never have the motivation for it. But, she's the only one that can make me endure a whole workout and keep up with her monthly workout plans just because she's so motivational! I mean, just look at her! She's got an amazing body to aspire for and a great personality to keep you coming back to her workouts everyday.
For those of you out there looking for at-home workouts, I really suggest you give her a try!

P.S.: She also has a diet/food channel called Blogilates TV

P.P.S: Visit her blog, I'm currently on day 8 of the April 2013 calendar